AFFIDAVIT OF OWnership-Land Contracts

Affidavit Of Ownership

The affidavit of ownership is where the owner of the property is first sworn in and they state that they are the owner of the property which is in question and they state that there are no repairs which have been done, no alterations which are done or remodeling or new constructions which have taken place in the previous 90 days or that there have been repairs, remodeling, alteration as well as new constructions which are done in the past 90 days and that the improvements are paid to the contractors and there are no bills which are unpaid or outstanding or even no claims which are there for labor or services rendered or even materials which have been purchased in this regard. Incase there are exceptions, that should be mentioned as well.

It also states that incase there is a general contractor who has been contacted for repairs or remodeling or alteration or new construction done then the contractor’s sworn statement is recorded as well with regards the improvements and incase there have been any waivers of lien.

It states that the owner has not been served a notice for the lien on the premises for labor or material and incase there are exceptions, that needs to be entered as well. Finally, the owner informs that other than those liens which are mentioned in the document, there are no other liens which are present.

This affidavit of Ownership is signed and sworn before the notary public in order to be considered legal and binding.

Affidavit Of Ownership

Affidavit Of Ownership

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The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that they are the owner of the following described property in ______________________ County, ________________State, described as follows:

More commonly known as:

Tax I.D. No:


Deponent further says that:
__________ A. There have been no repairs, alterations, remodeling or new construction on the
above described premises in the last ninety (90) days.

__________ B. Deponent has contracted for repairs, alterations, remodeling or new construction
on the above described premises which have been completed within the last ninety
(90) days, Deponent paid for all of said improvements directly to the contractors
and there are no unpaid bills or claims for labor or services or material in con-
nection therewith except as follows: ______________________________________

__________ C. Deponent has contracted with a general contractor for repairs, alterations, remod-
eling or new construction on the above described premises which have been com-
pleted within the last ninety (90) days. The sworn statement of said contractor for
improvements, and appropriate supporting waivers of lien, are submitted herewith.
Deponent has not been served with any notice that a lien will be claimed on the
above described premises for labor performed or material furnished except as
follows: ______________________________________________________________

__________ D. Deponent has not other liens on said property other than those described here:

DATED:________________________________ SIGNED BY:


Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of ____________, 20__.

Commission Expires: ______________ __________________________________
Notary Public

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